The Doctor would love to thank loads of people for their support, advice and help in getting Dr Marty's up and running. I realise that all this could do is land me in hot water as I will of course forget some folk but here goes.

Thanks of course to Selma who has been awesome in supporting me as it all began (working very early most mornings before she started her full time job) and now working in our business full time.  Also to Mr Rick who first showed me how to make a crumpet many moons ago, and the big fella Jess who lent me his car so often that I ended up buying it off him.

To Jimmy at Demitris  Feast in Swan St- thank you for being my first customer and giving the crumpets a go.

Also to Tim in Castlemaine for his ideas and support- you are a very clever  man.

My artwork and branding was created thanks to the wonderful Emma Ragheb  ( and  very talented Will Mahon at Atticus Design -   These two managed to work with me even though I struggle with technology occasionally. (maybe more than that…)    You could not find two more talented, brilliant people to have on your side.

Thanks to Jazmine Thom  ( ) for her hard work,help and great talent taking photos for me.  If there is a fantastic  photo on this website then she has taken it (I took all the dodgy ones with my phone).

As we have grown I have needed help so many thanks to Emma, Joelle, Siobhan  & Matt who have become a very important part of the business and I could not do it without them.  Thanks to Luke for being an vital part of the early days.

Thanks also to my family and friends who have been so supportive and always ready to help. It has been a pleasure to grow my business surrounded  by such wonderful people. Massive thanks also to all the shoppers at the Farmers Markets and stallholders that we met every week who made it all so much fun.

Enough mushy stuff, now back to making crumpets…..